' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.10.19 at 21:50 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' A QBJS program by bplus ported to BAM and modded by Charlie Veniot
' original QBJS code after the BAM program
' NOTE: BAM does not support REDIM, so array references replaced with _MAPSET/_MAPGET.

declare sub setup

Screen _NewImage(400, 200, 32)
Dim Shared As Single Rd, Gn, Bl
Dim Shared As Long NP
' ReDim Shared As Long Px(1 To NP), Py(1 To NP)
Dim As Long x, y
Dim As Single d, dist
Dim As Long i
Dim As Single t
Dim k$
Dim c As Long
_ALERT("At any time, click/touch the screen or press a key on your physical keyboard to switch to a new random animation.")
    For y = 0 To _Height - 1 Step 3
        For x = 0 To _Width - 1 Step 3
            d = 10000
            For i = 1 To NP
                dist = sqr((x - _mapget("Px"+i))^2 + (y - _mapget("Py"+i))^2 )
                If dist < d Then d = dist
            d = d + t
            c = _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(Rd * d), 127 + 127 * Sin(Gn * d), 127 + 127 * Sin(Bl * d))
            Line (x, y)-Step(4, 4), c, BF
    t = t + 1
    k$ = InKey$
    If Len(k$) OR _MOUSEBUTTON Then
        Setup: t = 0
    End If

Sub Setup
    Dim As Long i
    Rd = Rnd * Rnd: Gn = Rnd * Rnd: Bl = Rnd * Rnd
    NP = Int(Rnd * 50) + 3
'    ReDim As Long Px(1 To NP), Py(1 To NP)
    For i = 1 To NP
        _mapset("Px"+i, Int(Rnd * _Width) )
        _mapset("Py"+i, Int(Rnd * _Height) )
End Sub

' 🟠🟠🟠 QBJS source code 🟠🟠🟠

'$If WEB Then
'        Import G2D From "lib/graphics/2d.bas"
'$End If
'Screen _NewImage(400, 300, 32)
'Dim Shared As Single Rd, Gn, Bl
'Dim Shared As Long NP
'ReDim Shared As Long Px(1 To NP), Py(1 To NP)
'Dim As Long x, y
'Dim As Single d, dist
'Dim As Long i
'Dim As Single t
'Dim k$
'Dim c As _Unsigned Long
'    For y = 0 To _Height - 1 Step 4
'        For x = 0 To _Width - 1 Step 4
'            d = 10000
'            For i = 1 To NP
'                dist = _Hypot(x - Px(i), y - Py(i))
'                If dist < d Then d = dist
'            Next
'            d = d + t
'            c = _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(Rd * d), 127 + 127 * Sin(Gn * d), 127 + 127 * Sin(Bl * d))
'            Line (x, y)-Step(4, 4), c, BF
'        Next
'    Next
'    t = t + 1
'    k$ = InKey$
'    If Len(k$) Then
'        Setup: t = 0
'    End If
'    _Display
'    _Limit 30 'ha!
'Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

'Sub Setup
'    Dim As Long i
'    Rd = Rnd * Rnd: Gn = Rnd * Rnd: Bl = Rnd * Rnd
'    NP = Int(Rnd * 50) + 3
'    ReDim As Long Px(1 To NP), Py(1 To NP)
'    For i = 1 To NP
'        Px(i) = Int(Rnd * _Width)
'        Py(i) = Int(Rnd * _Height)
'    Next
'End Sub